exhibition: the distance between you
and stanley brouwn each time you remember this sentence

coleção moraes-barbosa & zdb

organized by: deyson gilbert

perhaps the first point would be to avoid a possible mistake: that of granting to the brouwnian invisibility a certain impervious body contour

as if its negativity could fatally carve in the air the bone of a transfigured aesthetic apparition

as if his image refusal should necessarily impose on our eyes the ignis fatuus of an aesthetic halo hypostasis

as if, by turning off the lights in a locked room full of live and dead cats, we could metaphysically scream, despite all the clotted blood:

yes! yes!

here all cats are brown!

s.a. talking about s.b. in an interview to d.g.

stanley brouwn +

alphonse allais
art & language
georges annekov
joseph beuys
manon de boer
cruz e souza
igno cuypers
johann cruyff
hanne darboven
kitasono katsue
on kawara
anton de kom
paulo leminski
richard long
gilles mahé
magdeleine marx
georg marcgrave
cecília meireles
cildo meireles
reinaldo moraes
roman opalka
richard t. outcoult
giulio paolini
décio pignatari
ad reinhardt
leni riefenstahl
neide dias de sá
august sander
valentina soares
laurence sterne
ben vautier
wolf vostell
robert walser
ludwig wittgenstein

visiting may 18th - july 27th 2024.
wednesdays to saturdays,
from 3pm to 8pm
free entrance

como chegar

praça david leandro da silva 2 - lisboa, portugal