[02] A report on the inauguration of “Payphones” (Big Ears), a creation of the architect Chu Ming Silveira, 1972. The collection of Chu Ming Silveira. ©orelhao.arq.br
[03] The Inside of a Slave Ship, published in the Pictorial Times, 1843
[04] An Allegory for Africa, from the series Four Continents (detail), 1580-1600. Adriaen Collaert
[05] “Portrait of a Child in the Lap of Its Nanny,” 1866/1870. Alberto Henschel, Recife
[06] Selma Aparecida de Paula (1961-2015). Personal Collection of the Artist
[07] A set of eight figures of the worship of Gêge-Nagô, published by Nina Rodrigues in “The Fine Arts of the Black Settlers of Brazil: A Sculpture,” 1904
[08] A Slave Dying, 1513-1516. Michelangelo, The Louvre Museum, Photo by Shadowgate, 2013
[09] “The Paddle,” 1861. Hermann Kummler, Pernambuco
[10]The Portuguese Trafficker Diligenté Captured by H.M. Saveiro Pearl with 600 Slaves on Board, taken to Nassau. 1816-1889.
[11] The Map “Terra Brasilis” (The Land of Brazil) according to the Portugaliae Cartographic Monument, 1519
[12] An Illustration of a Photo of the Retina, Unknown Author
[13] A Popular Revolt, 2013. São Paulo, SP. Unknown Author
[14] Martha Vasconcellos, Miss Universe 1968, during a visit to the Bandeirantes Palace in São Paulo. National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[15] Africa -Series of Allegories of the Four Continents (detail), 1810. José Teófilo de Jesus [16] Maria Adília de Jesus (1920-2002), in the group of Lampião, 1936-1938
[17] Baltazar (1959), Soccer Player, n.d, National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[18] Suggestion for the Stamping of a One Cruzeiro Bill, drawn by Alexandre Wollner, 1966 [19] Charles Atlas in Slave Girl Comics #2, 1949
[20] Illustration of a Stretcher on a Brazilian Beach, National Library Foundation/Rio de Janeiro
[21] Amauri (1935), A Game of Basketball World Championship of Brazil vs. Russia, n.d, National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[22] Jorge Lafond (1952-2003) as his principal character, Vera Verão. Reproduction/Rede Record
[23] Carnival Parade of Salgueiro in 1955. Fundo Correio da Manhã
[24] Brazil, from the album of engravings “Geography Game” (Jeu de la Géographie), 1644, Stefano della Bella
[25] Brigitte Bardot in a visit to Brazil, 1964. National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[27] Commemorative Stamp, Department of Mail and Telegraphs, 1981, Ivani Wasth Rodriguez
[28] Requirement of Salgueiro to Censorship Services about the Carnival Theme “The 1930s, Vento Sul -Vargas,” 1985. National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[29] James Bulger being kidnapped by Thompson and Venables in an image recorded in closed-circuit television (CCTV), 1993
[30] Memes da Vitorya, 2019. Facebook
[31] Skeletons in National Museum of Natural History of the Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, n.d. National Agency
[32] Illustration of Saint Benedict, n.d. National Library Foundation/Rio de Janeiro
[33] A hand showing arteries injected with mercury, 1901. A. W. Isenthal and H. Snowden Ward
[34] Illustration by Ivan Wasth Rodrigues (1927-2007) that portrays a post office in Minas Gerais at the beginning of the 19th century. The 1980s. Postal and Telegraph Museum, Brasilia.
[35] A two-sided illustration of a butterfly, n.d., Unknown Author, National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[36] Luis Moraes (1930-2020), soccer player, n.d. National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[37] Perin, the science of palmistry; an authentic and complete treatise, 1902
[38] A Brazilian siesta, 1821. Shoosmith, C; Henderson, James. National Library Foundation/Rio de Janeiro
[39] A Male Figure Sitting. Artist Bidyogo, Guine-Bissau. In: Negerplastik (Black sculpture) Carl Einstein. 1912
[40] A Gaming Black-White X-Comfort Chair. Thermaltake. Reproduction
[41] Renatex and his Hungarian immigrant friends in the neighborhood of Mooca, Sao Paulo, in the 1970s. Personal collection of the artist
[42] A news story about the creation of “Pay Phones” (detail), the magazine ARCHITECT, 1973. Collection of Chu Ming Silveira. ©orelhao.arq.br
[43] Candido Rondon Stamp, 1958. Mail Service, Brazil
[44] Record Swimmer Tetsuo Okamoto, 1957. Fundo Correio da Manhã
[45] Yellow Prune (Eriobotrya Japonica), Reproduction
[46] The fruit that envelops the Guarana seed, 2006. Anita Fortis
[47] Quilt Plots: A simple tool to visualize a great deal of epidemiological data (detail), 2014
[48] Studies of the presentation of Color Data, 2019. Michael Seifert
[49] Medidas del Romano (Measurements of the Roman), 1541. Diego de Sagredo
[50] Receiving an indigenous person in Alvorada Palace by Juscelino Kubitschek, 1960. National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[52] Goddess of Fire by Kepper, n.d. Reproduction
[53] “The Dawn is Arriving” (previous), 2021. The Weeknd. Youtube
[54] The Fire of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, 2018. Mercopress
[55] Christ denouncing false prophets and Pharisees (detail), illustration for Matthew 7:15-21, 1530-1536. Daniel Hoffer
[56] Torrido Zone, illustration of Planet Earth, unknown author
[57] Image from the film King Kong, 1933, by Merian C. Cooper and Edgar Wallace
[58] Slave Market (detail), 1827-1835. Johann Moritz Rugendas
[59] Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias (Extremely Brief Relation of the Destruction of the Indies), 1552. Sebastian Trugillo, Seville
[60] An Apinayé Indian from Tocantins, n.d National Archive/Rio de Janeiro
[61] “Carrying a Litter (Palanquin),” Brazil, 1816. Project Slavery Images: A Visual Record of the African Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Early African Diaspora
[62] Blueprint and Cross-sectional Cut of the Slave Ship Brookes from Liverpool (detail), 1789
[63] Illustration of “Cadeirinha” (Little Chair) - Going to Mass, 1829. National Library Foundation/ Rio de Janeiro
[64] Photogram of the Animation Tour de Pharmacy: The Red Blood Cell, 2017. McD Workshop
[65] Model of a surveillance camera in a dome for internal use. Reproduction
[66] Dance masks of the Tucuna Indians (detail). Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira (1783-1793) [67] Laundering of diamonds in the Mandanga mine, 1817. John Mawe
[68] “Reasons for ancient architecture” from Vitruvius and Other Ancient Architects, 1555. Diego de Sagredo.
[69] Illustration of the receipt of sale of the slave Benedito to Maria Antonia Teixeira (detail), 1851
[70] Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was the first African-American woman to publish a book and the first American woman to earn a living from writing
[71] Update of computerized reconstruction of the skull of Luzia, “the first Brazilian,” 2018. © Prof. André Strauss
[72] Apparatus Mulogix Slave 32, a synthesizing digital module assembled in rack. Alisson Cassidy
[73] Illustration of “A Story of the Captives of Amistad,” a circumstantial account of the capture of the Spanish schooner Amistad by the Africans on board, 1840
[74] The Medusa Raft (detail), 1818-1819. Théodore Géricault
[75] The Artist Bolaji Badejo in costume and resting on the set of Alien, 1979. © Mike Sibthorp credit mike@mikesibthorp.com
[78] A NASA rover finds an active and ancient organic chemical on Mars, 2014. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
[79] The last American soldier leaves Afghanistan, August 30, 2021. Official twitter of the Central Command of the USA (CENTCOM)
[80] Critical facial points used for the creation of the GeoTopo descriptor, 2014. Antonis Danelakis
[81] Round, coconuts, bacteria, composts, polysaccarides, biofilm, n.d. Rodney M. Donlan, Ph.D, Janice Carr
[82] A Head of Ife, Nigeria, XII through XV Century. From “The History of the World in 100 Objects,” 2016. National Museum of Australia, Canberra
[83] Christ, n.d. Antonio Francisco Lisboa (1738-1814). Photograph by Carlos Oliveria Reis. [84] A Page from the the Article “A Mão do Povo Nordestino” (The Hand of the Northeastern People”) (detail), by Lina Bobardi, 1977. Arte Vogue
[85] The cover of A mão afro-brasileira: significado da contribuição artística e histórica (The Afro-Brazilian Hand: The Significance of its Artistic and Historical Contribution). Emanoel Araújo (org.), 1988
[86] The column “Olho Sôbre a Bahia” (Eyes on Bahia), by Lina Bo Bardi, October 26, 1958. Diário de Notícias
[87] A group of 300 African immigrants during a rescue on the coast of Sicily, Italy, 2015. Alessandro Bianchi /Reuters
[88] The top of a skull, showing the sutures, 1904. Blaisedell
[89] Illustration for the birthday of Kyka, 2014.
[90] GeoTopo: Recovery of the 3D Dynamic Facial Expression using topological and geometric information. Initial pictures of sequences of BU-4DE data sets in which the subjects do not begin with a neutral expression, 2014. Antonis Danilakes
[91] d) Salient areas of fear and e) Salient areas of happiness in recognizing facial expressions with characteristics of fusion extracted from salient facial areas, 2017. Yanpeng Liu, Yibin Li, Xin Ma and Rui Song
[92] Unidentified artist. Central Africa, wood, 22 cm. In Negerplastik, by Carl Einstein, 1915.
[93] Portrait of the Intrepid Sailor Simão, a charcoal burner on the steamer Pernambucana (1853-57), (detail). José Correia de Lima. National Museum of Fine Arts, Rio de Janeiro.
[94] Heads of the members of the gang of Lampião, his own and that of Maria Bonita, 1938. Unknown author/Collection Frederico Pernambucano de Mello
[95] David Beckham in his campaign Malaria No More, in which deepfakes allowed him to relay his message in nine different languages, 2019.
[96] The police asks for information after divulging images from security cameras of the robbery of Emersons Green, 2016.
[97] Photogram of “Tarsila do Amaral - Desenhista e pintora Brasileira.mp4” (Tarsila do Amaral -A Brazilian Illustrator and Painter.mp4), 2012. Youtube
[98] The Shroud of Turim, Saint John the Baptist Cathedral, Turim, Italy
[99] The case of someone from Minas Gerais, forty seven years old, struck in the left eye by a chip of coal. “Ocular Injuries and their Treatment”, 1907.
[100] An H-Alpha Image of Activity on the Chromosphere of the Sun from GONG, processed through NOAA SWPC, 2021. NSO/AURA/NSF with a contribution from NOAA